

Asset Protection in California: Protect Yourself Before The Divorce, Not After

asset protection in california

You should always be as prepared as possible for any problem that might arise before it happens, which includes having an exit strategy that leaves your assets protected. The higher the value of your assets, the more important this becomes, even if you are not contemplating a divorce. The Read more »

Divorce for Business Owners 101: Everything You Need to Know

divorce for business owners

Dividing a business in a divorce is a complicated task; there are many things you and your spouse should consider. California is a community property state, which means that when a couple divorces, all community assets will be divided in half. A business is an asset so this leads Read more »

What to Expect When Getting Divorced in Coronado, California

getting divorced in coronado

What makes a divorce successful? Although achieving a healthier mental state is certainly a major component, your emotional wellbeing is only half the struggle. Your financial future deserves no less consideration, and it’s far too easy to lose sight of the complex economic realities. Unfortunately, they don’t hand out Read more »

Five Smart Ways to Protect Your Finances While Getting Divorced

protect finances during divorce

When you get divorced, it’s only natural to want to protect your assets. Unfortunately, many of the  “solutions” online are risky and could have negative legal consequences in your divorce. If you’re serious about learning how to protect yourself while getting divorced, consider these tips from actual attorneys. Be Read more »

What to Do if You Own a Business and Are Getting Divorced

how are business assets divided in divorce

When you’ve worked hard to acquire a stake in a functional enterprise, going through a marital separation can seem like taking two steps backward. In reality, however, this stigma doesn’t accurately describe the divorce process — your experience is often a reflection of your ability to plan ahead. What Read more »

How to Present Income to the Court When Getting Divorced

financial declaration

By now, you have probably accepted that you’re getting divorced. You may have even come to terms with the fact that you’ll have to share once-private aspects of your life with the court. What’s harder to fathom is how to make the proper financial declarations – and split your Read more »

Before Moving Children Out of State During or After a Divorce, Be Aware of the Following

moving child out of state after divorce

  After separating from your former spouse, you’re ready for a fresh start. Unfortunately, moving out of state after a divorce isn’t always straightforward: Your former spouse may have abandoned the right to intervene in your personal life, but they can still affect the choices you make about the Read more »

Three Benefits You Can Expect From Finding the Right Law Firm

finding the right law firm

  You would never take an exam without studying, and you wouldn’t even dream about tackling a marathon without training, so why should you risk your future by confronting a legal challenge without knowing how to pick the right law firm? Finding the right law firm is about more Read more »

What C-Suite Executives Need to Know About Divorce

divorce for C-Suite executives

  Occupying the corporate C-level grants you access to a highly unique lifestyle. It also comes with some unexpected personal relationship challenges. No matter how well you think you have things figured out, your divorce could take a far different form than what you might expect. How will your Read more »

Demystifying Your Divorce: Dividing Stock Rights

dividing stock options during divorce

  It should come as no surprise that stock rights earned during the marriage will be subject to division upon divorce. Here are some basic principles related to your dissolution proceeding you should consider.  The Marital Property Landscape: What Needs Splitting? California law recognizes multiple forms of shared marital Read more »


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Neumann Family Law, APC

3333 Camino Del Rio South
Suite 140

San Diego, Ca 92108

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